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19 September

Grocery shopping, laundry, straightening up…you know the drill. It’s Monday.  This weekend I read a couple of inspiring blogs. and I’ll warn ya, they are business-y blogs but they have some really good advice on how to stay busy at home. I’ve been working my fingers to the bone getting ready for Spoon […]

chocolate cake

16 September

Word of advice… DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT bake a chocolate cake and think that you can keep from eating it all…yourself. The boys have helped, but um, yeah. I’ve ate most of it. It’s the Best Chocolate Cake Ever recipe from the Pioneer Woman.  Only it’s not. Really…It’s my mom’s recipe for Texas […]


14 September

ha! this post is for my friend Evie. She says I’m so confident. Confident in what I wear. I’m here to tell Evie and you that I might change my outfit today before I walk out the door! I really do want to be confident but lots of times I succumb to the fear that […]


09 September

We had a little rain last night while we ate our supper. I looked out the window to see this! Can you see the double rainbow in that pic? It’s to the right of the bright one. I hadn’t seen a rainbow that bright in a long time:) Once, at our old house, a rainbow […]

all things vintage

01 September

I believe there’s vintage and there’s crap. Sorry, that’s just the way it is. And around these parts it seems like antique stores are full of crap. There’s tons of dirty old stuff that’s been discarded. Or you have to wade through a bunch of reproductions. But it seems like there is always that diamond […]