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12 October

Well, this day is getting away from me! I think I better get my wiww posted! Or I might be in trouble from a few of my regular readers;)  I bought this dress at Target the other day. I didn’t even make it to Target when they brought out all the Missoni stuff. And by […]


05 October

Here we go. Another week. Are they going by faster!?  I haven’t really been very creative in the outfit department lately. I’ve been busy sewing and getting ready for fall shows. But I did manage to get dressed. But it was long sleeve tshirts and jeans like this: This is pretty standard uniform for me…I’m […]

being a mom is hard

04 October

I’m going to take a one week break from my Creative God series, since I spent the afternoon in the principal’s office.  Oh, yeah, you read that right. I’ve never been to the principal’s office because of anything I’ve done. But Bo had some issues at school today. Nothing huge. Just a little testing of […]