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Pizza night

08 May

The other night I made homemade pizza. I was all alone in the house while I was making it so I decided to take some pictures. Lame, huh? Well, here’s my pizza! Sausage is Matt’s ingredient of choice….and ONLY sausage. He hates everything else, pepperoni included. I have no idea how anyone can hate pepperoni! […]

our week

01 May

We have cows. Well, not really, they aren’t ours. They are in the pasture around our house. But Slone likes to think that they are his. He has them all named. He really doesn’t know who’s who of the cow though, because Matt said that there are about 90 in there. It’s almost like I’m […]

hair cutting night

28 April

This is how we spend our Saturday nights now:) Slone absolutely hates it. He starts whining around as soon as we mention it. It’s really hard not to laugh through the whole ordeal. Then things like this happen… We didn’t leave it like that. But I think Slone wouldn’t have cared. He was so done […]