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granny style

12 January

No, not my underwear….well, maybe. I’ve been working on some granny squares. I was inspired by some great pics from this girl. Everything on her blog is inspiring. I even want to make a quilt…a BIG quilt. Anywhoooo…. I found this awesome picture of a granny square afghan on flickr. So I’ve done some practicing. […]

CPSIA, just an FYI

08 January

Well, I’ve had a lot of you ask about this law that halted my production of baby items for moreygirl. They’ve finally released some information that clears some things up. I’ll let you read it though. Basically, we are able to use fabrics and yarns but no snaps, zippers, metal types of things. For […]

Christmas was great

26 December

Christmas was great! That’s the word around our house. Oh, and we are already getting asked when Santa’s coming again:) The boys got the Big Buck Hunter game. They though it was pretty awesome. Got the best “thank you, mom!” ever….see here: Actually, the game ended up a little hard for them, but Matt and […]

Christmas Cards!

17 December

Usually, this is one of the things I like most out of the holidays. But this year, it seems like I can’t or don’t want to finish it! But there are some things that make it go faster…like this awesome little embosser! Here it is in action…. And here’s the result… You can snag one […]