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freezer meals

22 June

The other day I mentioned freezer meals. I have been reading a cookbook I got on amazon called “Fix, Freeze, Feast“. Well, I did two meals all on my own yesterday. I made a honey chicken that is good for three meals. And I made beef and cheese burritos. They were awesome! (if I do […]

chore chart

13 January

If your house is anything like mine, your children whine, procrastinate, cry, beg not to, act silly, and fight anytime you say “pick up your toys.” No? Come on, admit it! I would really love for my boys to act like their OCD neat and tidy father in this department. I was not born an […]

a stencil bag

09 September

Not really a fan of stencils. When I think of them, I think of the little hearts and the country blue ribbons that everyone used to paint on the bulkheads in their kitchens. You know what I’m talking about. But this bag is just way too cool. I can’t take credit for it though. Here’s […]