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bu-bye vacay

06 April

Back to the real world. Back to work. I’ve been doing paperwork catch up the last two days. Already been to Walmart…if that doesn’t welcome you home, I don’t know what will. If ya didn’t know, Matt and I went on a cruise last week. This was our home away from home for awhile. It […]

dear tooth fairy…

15 March

well, it happened all at once. he grew up. lost two teeth in about 3 days. one fell out at school. the other was swallowed up with a breadstick. hence the dear tooth fairy note:) dad helped him spell fairy, then he quit, hence “swold”, haha such a big kid oh yeah, and it’s official! […]

i almost died

11 March

when I opened this package! My mom can vouch for me, I was on the phone with her. Remember, I obviously have an obsession with flickr swaps. Just search for flickr swaps over in the sidebar. But this one was one that I really wanted to be a part of. It was the {Urban Home […]


28 February

life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.  so love the people who treat you right and forget the ones who don’t and believe everything happens for a reason.  if you get a chance, take it. if it changes your life, let it.  nobody said that it’d be easy, just that […]

am I the only one?

22 February

I had troubles with this block! It’s for my flickr group (remember? click here) It looked like such an easy block! And really it was. It’s just I obviously don’t know the seam allowance settings on my sewing machine. Because when I finished this block the first time…oh yes, I said the first time…it ended […]


11 February

Slone needs Valentines for school on Monday. And a box to put the valentines in (that we still have to make). We are going to do that this weekend. But I thought ahead on the actual cards this year. First, I took some pics of him. And I did some of Bo, because they have […]

this cute kid

10 February

He’s four. He had his birthday party last Saturday. He also got to go with his dad to the semi truck show. That’s where he got his face painted. I also want to let you know that if I would have brought him home with that on his face, his dad wouldn’t have been happy […]