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first day again

30 August

First day is back again!  I feel like that mom on the staples commercial jumping around singing  “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”    I have to admit…I was sad to see them go.  Bo is in kindergarten this year. Full day.  So far…so good. I cried…a little.  My baby is growing up. […]

A Christmas Quiz

24 December

And just for fun, a little Christmas Quiz. I stole this from Heather @ We are the Holdens. You should go read her quiz too! 1. Egg nog or hot chocolate?   Hot chocolate, Michelle’s hot chocolate to be exact. 2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrap them 3. Colored […]


07 September

This week I wasn’t quite as dedicated in taking my picture. But I would like to show you what I look like for the most part if I stay home all day. It’s usually a tank top and either yoga pants or sweat pants. No makeup, except for maybe what I slept in. I went […]


31 August

This week isn’t too exciting. I’m sorry to say that none of these pictures are really that good. I don’t know what the deal was with my settings. I obviously never looked at them and just snapped away! Are you sick of seeing these pics yet? haha. The dress is from Anthropologie. I bought it […]


24 August

The more I do these the more I realize I’m not quite as fashion forward as I thought I was:) Fall and winter make for cuter outfits I think. I’m not into the whole layering thing, especially when it’s hot out. But I do love me some cute dresses. It’s from Target and I wore […]