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05 February

comes to those who seek it. I saw this poster on etsy. (click creativity to go to the shop) And I loved it. But I knew I could do something like that myself. And this country kitchen sign in my kitchen came to mind. I had previous ideas of painting over it but had never […]

new curtains

28 January

Let’s see. I painted my living room way back in October. I bought the curtains way back then too. I also bought the fabric to finish them off then too. I..just..finished..them. Oh well, life goes on. I found the fabric at Joann’s. It’s Robert Allen. I really wanted full length panels of that material but […]

valentine decor

25 January

Let me just say that I’m not really one to decorate for Valentine’s day. I’m really not that interested in putting it all up after Christmas just to take it all back down in a couple of weeks. And let’s face it, I live in a boy house and boys don’t care about hearts and […]

school board

15 October

Another little inspirational post for you:) At the beginning of this school year, Slone started bringing home lots of papers. I started putting them up on the fridge but it quickly filled up. Plus, they were always falling off of the fridge, especially when Bo was around. I tried to find a magnetic board big […]