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house progress

08 October

We are getting there! If you ask Matt though, we are a long ways off. I like to stay positive! Wall are up and the sheeting is on them. You can actually see what it’s going to look like. They did deliver the trusses today. But not until after lunch. So they didn’t get started […]

exciting news

18 September

For the longest time, I have wanted a new house. Maybe not necessarily a new house but a bigger one. It’s not that my house is junky, (well it’s just old) we were out of space!  We sleep in a 8×12 foot room.  The boys sleep in the attic.  We have one closet, just one, […]

a closet redo

24 June

I cleaned out the closet in my office. It was packed full of trucking papers, mops crafts that I never put away, photography stuff, and bunches of craft books. It was so bad the bulky sliding doors that were on it wouldn’t lay flat, they were literally bulging at the seams. I should have taken […]

the bedroom

25 May

I spent most of yesterday in my bedroom. You see, I have NO closets in my room at all. None, nada. Where can I put my clothes?! I have to switch them around with every season, putting off season ones in storage. It makes a girl’s life rough. Other than the size of my room, […]