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What? No award?

08 September

Nine years, people, nine years. Nine years ago at this time (6pm) I married Mattie. I can remember talking to Lyn the week before I married him and she asked me to name off some of the things I didn’t like about him. The only thing I could think of is that he bit his […]

yee haw

23 August

We went to the rodeo on Saturday. The boys were extremely excited! That is, until about the last round of bull riding. I don’t know what they were complaining about, they each sat on our laps to see and those bleachers were hard! The favorite of the night was the bulls though. Even though we […]

Old Settlers Days

17 August

Every year we go to Brimfield for Old Settlers Days. There was a parade, rides, games, lawn mower races, food…lots of food, and fun. Slone rode on the parade float with the church. Lexi got lots of candy and shared the “big boy candy” with my boys, since Slone couldn’t catch any because he was […]