Archive by Author

My parents

27 January

Oh, how I love them!  I can’t really write any other words that genuinely express how I feel about them. It’s just a week short of one year since this happened.  It was one foggy day. But I don’t think anyone realized how bad it was. I will never forget Mom calling me to tell me. […]

A little ray of hope & some fun pics

09 January

You can read this… But we all know you can’t always trust the news. But maybe, just maybe, MoreyGirl might be able to continue selling baby items after February! We will see:) On to more fun things. My baby Bo is going to be two in a couple of weeks. Another party. Didn’t we just […]


06 January

Since it’s looking like this outside today…. I decided I had better get everything onto etsy. I’m having a big sale on all of my items. Everything that I’ve made so far is on Etsy (or going to be) and it’s all 20% off! No coupon codes, no hassle. I’ve already marked it off. Just […]