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Labor Day

02 September

We went over to Mom’s last night for a cookout and I took a few pictures. This is one that I doctored up a little bit. But I think that it came out cool. You can find a great tutorial for it here, hankandwillie. It’s a fun photography blog to check out. There are also some freebies to pick up too.this is the original.

Now here’s another one that I fixed and it’s original. Another tutorial here from momolgy.

And this is my niece, Taylor.

I think that these textures are something different for the pictures. Gives them a old and vintage feel. Just some fun things for a Monday, I mean Tuesday.

2 Responses to “Labor Day”

  1. Anna September 3, 2008 at 3:34 pm #

    So cool! I think they came out great. I love the feel those textures give to photos.

    And love those big eyes on that baby!

  2. mickev January 17, 2012 at 8:07 pm #

    Just lookin’ back. Bobo was so adorable! (they both were and are!) But he has changed so much in that he is so tall and skinny now : )

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