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Freecycle is awesome!

17 November

Don’t know what Freecycle is? It’s a terrific way to get rid of your stuff that you don’t want anymore! Since I don’t live within any city limits, it’s kinda hard to have a yard sale. Plus, I don’t want to store it until I do, so I put it on Freecycle. It’s great for getting rid of diapers that don’t fit. I’ve also put my old printer on there too.

Well, today I lucked out! This morning a post came through for a heavy duty ironing board and a playstation at the same place. I emailed her and went to pick it up. And it was a Playstation 2! FOR FREE! I was excited, because it’s also a dvd player, and we don’t have one!

Slone’s already getting the hang of it:)

One Response to “Freecycle is awesome!”

  1. Storm, The Psychotic Housewife December 15, 2008 at 2:39 am #

    Wow, that’s a great Freecycle score! He looks like he just won the lottery, lol! :)

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