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Birthdays are the best!

02 December

2008 11 29_0286_edited-1, originally uploaded by moreygirl.

No really…I know it doesn’t look that way from the pic but Slone really had a terrific time at his party! He wanted a “queen” birthday…that’s short for Lightning McQueen from Cars. I made the cake and Gma Susan got him the Longhorn cap. We’re not Texas fans, but Slone loves cows:) (His head really isn’t that big either, he has on another hat underneath it).

Happy December:)

One Response to “Birthdays are the best!”

  1. Kristen December 16, 2008 at 1:40 am #

    Of course his head is that big, he’s Matt’s son! J/k, have a happy holiday season-kristen

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