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our week

01 May

We have cows. Well, not really, they aren’t ours. They are in the pasture around our house. But Slone likes to think that they are his. He has them all named. He really doesn’t know who’s who of the cow though, because Matt said that there are about 90 in there. It’s almost like I’m the pioneer woman! Just kidding, Charity:)

Did I mention that I love nap time? That’s the only way that this post is getting posted right now. I have to go clean up our basement. It’s been leaking a little water, you know, since it hasn’t quit raining here in forever. I’m ready for the sun again!

One Response to “our week”

  1. Luanne May 6, 2009 at 5:26 am #

    Love-love-love the nap picture. I must confess–I would really love to go back in time, just for a day, to when my kids looked like that!

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