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My little garden

16 May

I begged for a garden this year, but Matt was not having it. So I asked my dad to come over and help me:) We put it all together on Tuesday night and filled it up with dirt. It’s a couple of 2×8’s screwed together and it sits on the ground instead of tilling up the yard.

Charity was nice enough to give me the “leftovers” of her garden expedition. Thanks, Charity! I got four tomato plants, four pepper plants (two green, two yellow), four cherry tomato plants, three jalapeno plants, and a bunch of onions. I’m really excited about these little plants. Hopefully, I’ll have some great tomatoes this year!

It also rained a thousand inches yesterday. So I guess this guy probably about needed some sun this morning. But I bet anything that he wished he hadn’t even got up. Slone found him, so now he’s our new pet. He’s already been in the house….but that was short lived once I found him. So now he’s in a five gallon bucket in the shed. He’s gross….I can’t even hardly post this pic.

“Don’t you have some house tidy to get done?”Can’t you hear him? That’s exactly what was being said at this moment:)

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