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little boy, big hat

19 May

Dear Bo (Turbo, Turb, Bo-ee),

What a cute kid you are! More ornery than most children I’ve met. The child that I said my children wouldn’t act like. But you know what? I like you. I would rather be around you any day than without you. You have more spunk, more attitude, more determination than I thought you would have. I honestly thought you would be the “easy one”. Your brother was the hard-headed one, not my sweet little baby Bo. I hope you grow up to have more spunk, more attitude (well, not too much), more determination than most people you know. I hope you grow up to be what God wants you to be, and use those strong characteristics to be great!

You are asleep right now, and for that, I’m thankful. You’ve already been through 3 pairs of underwear today, two sets of clothes, and you’ve ate more so far than I will eat all day.

I hope you have a kid just like you someday:)

Love, Mom

One Response to “little boy, big hat”

  1. Kinze May 20, 2009 at 7:43 pm #

    haha so funny!

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