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day out at the mall

27 September

mall photos with the boys

We went to the mall yesterday with Matt. That’s right, Matt went to the mall. But only because he wanted a new pair of cowboy boots. (hahaha)  There was a photobooth right outside of the store and Matt is a slower shopper than I am. So the boys and I went out and took some pics. 

Hope you had a great weekend!

2 Responses to “day out at the mall”

  1. Kinze September 27, 2010 at 1:39 pm #

    you should have taken a pic of matt at the mall … cause i have NEVER seen him set foot into a mall!

  2. mickev September 27, 2010 at 7:13 pm #

    Adorable pics. Love the one of the boys kissing your cheeks!

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