a little Christmas review
We had a great Christmas. I wish it didn’t go so quickly. I have already taken down the decorations in my house. The boys were not happy about that at all. Slone is already back in school today so I have a little time to sit down and blog.
We spent Christmas eve at Mom & Dad’s. I love my parents home. It was my home. I feel at home there. It smells like home. I think the boys feel the same way. Bo asked this morning if we could go to Grandma Susan’s. He wants to spend the night.
Don’t feel sorry for Bo in those pictures. All the kids got little fuzzy worms that had a string attached to the ends of them. Bo really liked them til somebody would tease him with one.
Aunt Joy got her sock monkey:)
Hope you all got to spend your Christmas with your family:)
thanks for visiting my blog today – and look! you have the cutest little space here, too. looks like we share the same passion/obsession with pretty fabric. =) love, lindsay