It seats eight people. I will admit I drove it with eight people in it to go to Charity’s house in Iowa…one time. It worked out better than expected. Anyway, Matt said last Tuesday nite “if you hate it so much, advertise it!” So I did. And now I am car-less way earlier than I thought I would be. And it stresses me out.
Matt and I went car shopping on Saturday. We drove one car, then it was 5 oclock and everyone closed. So we drove through every car lot in Peoria. We stopped by Menards and bought a toilet because ours broke. Then we ate the buffet at KFC. I was really mad that I didn’t bring my camera. His buffet plates are legendary. I told him that you are allowed to go back up.
The thing is we had a lot of fun while we were out. Dates with Matt are fun, as long as you don’t have to wait too long at a restaurant. That’s his biggest pet peeve. But as soon as we got home, we went round and round on what to get and we disagree. Lots of mean things were said about fords, lots of mean things were said about everything that I like. We fought all Sunday about how much money, how many miles, how ugly, how cool, how hillbilly lots of cars were.
(Oh, and he did install my toilet but I’m going to have to save that disaster story for another post.)
Then I get this email from my sister. She says check out this blog! Sure, I love new blogs, especially ones with good pictures. WARNING: Do not read this blog until you can have a good cry.
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