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07 September
This week I wasn’t quite as dedicated in taking my picture. But I would like to show you what I look like for the most part if I stay home all day.
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It’s usually a tank top and either yoga pants or sweat pants. No makeup, except for maybe what I slept in.
I went to a party last week too. I wore this little dress I got from Old Navy. I bought it at the beginning of summer in a medium. I thought I’d be super skinny right away after running (I wasn’t) but at least I got to wear it this summer.
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I also want to draw your attention to the background in that photo! I do clean my house every now and then! It’s just the living room ends up being the playroom when the boys are home. Hopefully this improves since they are both in school now!
Last week it went from 100 degrees on Thursday and Friday to a cool 70 degrees on Sunday! The weather has done some serious havoc on my sinuses!
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This was Sunday’s outfit. The boys all went four wheeling, I went out to lunch with Mom & Dad.
I wanted to tell you this too! I did really well on my goals for this last month! No buying clothes and no pop. I did cheat a little though, but both times it was by accident (kindof)! I went into SalVal one day and ended up with a Banana Rep black sweater vest for $2. I couldn’t resist! and one night we were over at some friends having supper. Jen had some pepsi’s out and I grabbed one. I had drank about half of it when I thought “this tastes horrible”. Then I looked at the calories and couldn’t believe I was wasting 150 of my allotted amount on that! Then I remembered I wasn’t drinking pop for the month!! So I did drink a half a can:(
But other than those two times, I stuck with it! Last Friday though, I got a coupon in the mail for 40% off of the gap. Well, I went in and found some great jeans! I thought I deserved a reward! Watch for them next week on wiww;)
pleated poppy
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