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Happy Friday & Weekend News

08 October
Today was a fun day! I got to spend it with my friend Gretchen and I made her curtains for her new house! I’ll definitely post some pics when she gets them all hung up! They turned out so awesome:)
Tomorrow and Sunday I will be at the Shed on Rt 116 again for the Spoon River Drive!
Come and see me! I’ve already met a bunch of my blog readers and I want to meet you!
Monday is MOPS!
I love my group. I tell you this all the time, but if you are a mother of a preschooler, you NEED a MOPS group! This month we are talking about adoption and foster care.
And we are making these:
IMG_4056 copy

Yeah, you get to make those awesome little acorns too:)

Join our group on facebook if you want more info there. And read our blog.
Well, just come! You’ll love it!

2 Responses to “Happy Friday & Weekend News”

  1. hannah singer October 8, 2011 at 7:37 pm #

    hmmm. i do need a mops group.
    finding one here asap!!

    happy weekend, pretty lady!

  2. ms.composure October 10, 2011 at 7:25 pm #

    those are sooooo cute!!!!
    loving the blog! new follower :-)

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