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it’s time….

05 February

time….so precious but yet I waste so much of it.

It’s time to dust off the old blog, I think. I have to admit, it’s hard for me to want to keep up with it. But when I hear my friends are starting new blogs (hi, Evie!), and friends are telling me they miss mine, I get an itch to start again.

But then the itch goes away with a quick pic on instagram or a post on facebook.

I’ve been busy with the house though. We started at the end of the summer with this:

Then there was a lot of this:

And today it looks like this:

But don’t judge me yet on the outside! There is a ton of stuff to do and garbage to pick up. But it’s been really cold or really rainy. Except for that pic today…guess I could go out there. I will post more about the outside when we get to work on it this spring.

There will be more pics to come of the inside soon!

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