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what’s happening

16 April

Today I got a phone call from my sister in law Kinze. She said I needed to read Kelle Hampton’s new blog post. If you don’t know who Kelle is, she is a talented writer from Florida that had a downs syndrome baby a couple of years ago. Her blog gained popularity when she was very honest and real about her feelings and emotions during that time.

I have really enjoyed reading Kelle’s blog. She does write honestly, I could relate to her. I think a lot of her initial reactions to Nella (her ds baby) would have been the same way I would have reacted.  But she gets on my nerves too. Not in an “I hate her kind of way”. More like an “I just need a break from you right now cuz you are all sorts of too complicated for me to try to figure out”.

But then she goes and posts this post: Go ahead, read it.

It makes me sad. I feel like there is absolutely no hope there.

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