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Where in the world Is moreygirl?

23 April

Sorry, that I’ve been a little mia lately. I’ve struggled these last few weeks with what I really want to be doing, whether it’s with my blog and website or with my family. I am pleased that my family won out, but I’m ready to get back into the swing of blogging.

I’ve also struggled with what’s the point of blogging. And what do I really contribute to it. Is it worth my time to sit at the computer all afternoon or should I be busy keeping house? I believe that there’s a happy medium but I was missing it. And I wasn’t enjoying my blog. I didn’t want to seem self-righteous, petty, or vain, but I couldn’t help feeling that way. I also didn’t want my blog to get redundant and boring. And I just felt like I was out of ideas.

But I’ll be back later this week with new sewing ideas, new vlogs, and ill be updating the creative God series. But tonight I’m going out to take engagement pictures. So look for a sneak peek of those coming up soon too!

Pic is a pin from my pinterest boards;)

Love, Heather

One Response to “Where in the world Is moreygirl?”

  1. mickev April 23, 2012 at 8:54 pm #

    I was so excited to see a post on your blog…you have no idea. Can’t wait for the vlogs!!! Love ya!

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