Creative God – week 5
Almost a week late – sorry!!
I love the story of Moses. I feel like a kid when I read it. I can remember teachers I had, and how they told the story. The first 5 books of the Bible though were really taught to me by my junior high Sunday school teacher, Larry. There were only three of us in the class most Sundays, me, Tina and Gabe. Sometimes Adam would come too.
I can vividly remember sitting at one end of the table, while Larry sat at the head of the table at the other end. I really loved that class. Loved the stories.
Side note: I just got to see Larry last summer at a graduation party. He didn’t recognize me:) I think I might have still had my blonde hair at the time.
Anyway, back to Moses. I’m glad God used him, even though he was a murderer, a flight risk, a stutterer, a whiner. He also lost his temper, hit things when he was mad (water from the rock), threw things when he was mad (commandment tablets), passed the blame, and acted dumb. But God still used him. He delivered some very important rules to Moses, entrusted him with them.
I think it’s important to remember Moses, especially when we are feeling inadequate because of our sins. I think a lot of times I think that God would never use someone like me because of what I’ve done. That line from Addison Road keeps coming to my mind: “I think I made You too small.” He can do whatever He wants, with whomever He wants.
“For we know all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose.”
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