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26 January
I like stripes. What can I say? I think I wear them weekly. I’d buy a striped shirt before I’d buy a flowered one. There other night, Evie and I headed over to the mall. We ended up at the Loft to pay a bill. She pointed out that almost everything in the store was horizontal stripes. And what’s the first rule of looking skinnier…this is where Stacy and Clinton come in…no horizontal stripes!
I don’t know though. There’s just something about a cute stripe. I cannot resist it.
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See? Tomato red with a turquoise necklace? Yes, please. 
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I love this sweater. You’ll be seeing it a lot coming up;) Oh, yeah and those jeans fit like a glove now! No muffin top! It’s officially 10 pounds lost since 11/1/11. 
My hair looks really dark in that pic too. But I just had Gretchen lighten it up. I love my haircut too. The first pic though, it’s a little too curled under than what I like. I like it sticking out all crazy.
By the way, I’ve been reading this blog: Simple Mom. I had bought her book about organizing before I’d read her blog. I really like her. I don’t always agree with everything that she says, but for the most part, she’s on target. I found where she uses the oil cleanse method for her face wash. At the risk of sounding like a crazy hippie, and since I am just out of my normal cleanser, I thought I’d try it. I’ve only done it once, but after a week or two, I plan on giving you my results and feedback on it. 
What have you been trying new this year?
linking up with the pleated poppy.

3 Responses to “wiww”

  1. Conni January 26, 2012 at 5:37 pm #

    I am more a solid kind of girl, never stirpes of flowers, I really have a hard time stepping out of my box. The stripes looks great on you though.

    YEAH for the weight loss, I don’t have a scale so I have no clue houw many pounds, but I do know I have bought jeans in sizes I havent seen in years!!

  2. mickev January 26, 2012 at 7:01 pm #

    You always look cute. I love stripes, but never seem to buy them! I need some horizontal stripes over my chest and vertical over my abs..haha!

  3. Francesca-Restyle Restore Rejoice January 27, 2012 at 6:50 am #

    Love that second top! The colors are perfect. Congrats on the weight loss! You look great :)
    I’m having a giveaway on my blog for an Oia Jules bracelet if you want to check it out :)

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