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What’s all this business

06 January
Just wanted to fill you in on what’s going on here at moreygirl:) I have hired Moxie Pear to update my website. I’m super excited to be working with Lisa. I’ve followed her work for a long time now. And she seemed to be the best fit for me and my business!
She’s been diligently putting everything where it needs to be, so it’s going to be easier for you to just stay in one place while checking out everything that I do. This blog though will stay here at blogspot though, so don’t worry.
Here’s a sneak peek at what we’ve started on!
I am also busy getting new pictures of the goods too:)
Oh, and how do you like the new pink couch that I scored on Craig’s list?! I’m so excited about it. Matt was a little less than thrilled that we have a pink couch in our living area. Well, build me a new studio/sewing room and I will move it! 
But seriously, this find on craig’s list is the stuff you read about on design blogs! I’ve never been that impressed with anything I find on craig’s list.  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it on there! I had to have it!
Felt for flowers 
A rainbow of felt, ready to be made into button flowers! 
A new bag. Fresh and bright! I think you’re going to love the new bags! 
And some necklaces, made with the same fabrics and patterns as my bags! These are also going to be available with hand stamped charms…awesome gifts to give! 
I put this out there on facebook too, but if any of you would like to give a little testimonial about me and moreygirl (whether photos or handmade goods) shoot me an email. I would love to be able to include your words on my site! 
Remember, everything at the current shop is marked down! Get it now before it’s gone!

One Response to “What’s all this business”

  1. virginiamae January 17, 2012 at 2:20 am #

    Love the new look and all of the products coming out! So exciting! =)

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