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A Christmas tour

23 December
I wanted this post to be a vlog, but do you know how hard it is to get even the littlest things done while your kids are on Christmas vacation?!
I thought I would take you on a little Christmas tour of my house. Well, actually, it’s just my living room, because I really don’t have that many decorations. It’s not that I don’t want a ton, it’s just I have no where to store them when it’s not Christmas. And Matt is a bit bah humbug on any seasonal decorations.
The new thing this year is the ball ornament wreath I made. If you’re on Pinterest, you’ve seen it. It’s out of an old wire hanger (that I had to get from Michelle, because I had no hangers!). I bought some no shatter balls at Target and strung them on. You can see the wire a little bit, so if I did another one I would buy a pack of smaller ornaments too and add them here and there. I also thought about hot gluing the little ones in it too, but I have never bought any smaller ones.
The trick here is to hang it on a mirror so it looks really big!

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And the tree…
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There aren’t very many ornaments on it. Just the one the boys made this year. We’re trying to build up our handmade supply:) 
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This is the only Santa I have in the house. I don’t really like Santa. He never got me what I wanted as a kid and this year I’m going to have an extremely disappointed 7 year old that’s not going to get what he asked for. Slone even got a letter from Santa at school, basically (in a 7 year old’s mind) promising him a ds. Thanks a lot.

But this Santa was painted by sweet Ruth from our church. I got it at a white elephant exchange a couple of years ago.
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And here’s our “mantle”. My littleputz houses sit on it with a few additions like the tractor Slone just got for his birthday (but cant play with. Don’t get me started.) The houses were my Grandma Morey’s. They have “Japan” stamped on the bottom of them. Mom says she always had them on top of her tv. But I don’t remember that. They were always in Texas during Christmas when I was little.

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A cute little snowman with a candy cane.

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And just a snowflake that I have hanging in a frame.

With all the hustle and bustle, I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

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