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Celebrating Community Creativity

25 October
This week’s Creative God series focuses on creatively serving God with or in your community. I think this is something that is extremely important. There are tons of non-profits and ministries that you can be a part of.

                                                        Source: via Katherine on Pinterest

This year we are doing the Operation Christmas Child. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It’s from an organization called Samaritan’s Purse. Basically, it’s a shoe box that you fill with little goodies to send to a child overseas…a child that probably doesn’t have much. 

                                                      Source: via Gina on Pinterest

You can pick if you want the box to go to a boy or a girl. I picked to give two boxes to two boys. I’ll have the boys help fill them. Hopefully, it makes them think about someone else instead of what they are getting for Christmas. Anybody else’s kids talking about that yet? 
The more we are focused on helping and blessing others, the better off we are. 
Just look at these kids in this video:

Source: via Teah on Pinterest

I hope you are encouraged to help! If you need a box or info you can contact me or click the link! We are off this morning to fill ours!

2 Responses to “Celebrating Community Creativity”

  1. hannah singer October 25, 2011 at 3:26 pm #

    heather, i love this!
    operation christmas child is one of my favorite things about this season. collecting goodies, packing boxes and praying for these recipients…blessings big!
    thanks for sharing here today…i hope tons of people join in the fun of giving in this way!

    love you!

  2. Sarah October 27, 2011 at 3:01 pm #

    This is so great. I just found your blog on Sashes to the Merchangts. Do you still do your 1 year bible series? I think that is such a great idea!!! I’m your newest follower =)


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