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moreygirl monday

11 October
We had another great weekend at the Spoon River Drive! 
Charity and I laughed and had such a great time together, that alone was worth it! It’s rare that we can just do that. There’s usually four little boys buggin needing us:)

I do have a few of my items left over, but a lot of my new bags that I made are gone! I’m going to be busy this week getting some custom work done. If you bought a special order hat from me over the weekends, I finished them! So they will be in the mail tomorrow! I also have an awesome messenger bag to make {Hi, Margie!}…I’m super excited about the fabrics she picked out…so excited I will probably want to keep it! Don’t worry I’ll post pics when I’m done with it!

Have you signed up for my newsletter yet? I’m planning on offering special codes through the newsletter. You’ll also get first notice of special order dates! (Because I don’t offer special orders all the time…I would run out of time!) So sign up! You get a coupon for the shop if you do!

And you will want these when you see all the choices in the shop!

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They come ready to give in these awesome little pails! 
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They also come with these “To: From:” cards that read this:
bootie tags

I’ll be adding them all to the shop tonight!

One Response to “moreygirl monday”

  1. .Amelia.Bedelia. October 12, 2011 at 7:51 pm #

    Ohh snap! Friend, i am in love with your blog and so happy to have “found you”! :)
    xoxo -Amy

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