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{fall} inspiration workshop

06 October
Fall is here. It’s really here. Summer rushed off. I miss it already. Oh, it’s not that I don’t enjoy fall. It’s just summer is wonderful. I’m already missing the pool, the sunkissed skin, the pedicures, flipflops, and the beach.
But the last week of this fall weather has been wonderful. The sun has been shining. It’s warm. It’s comfortable. Life is good. The bounty is being harvested. The boys are in school. The husband is busy.
Yeah, life is good.
It’s good when you get to burn candles like these.

fall white pumpkins

And get mini white pumpkins from Aunt Joy. Thanks, Aunt Joy! The boys ask daily if we can eat them.

fall foliage
This is the few from my north windows. I’m thankful for the view. I’m thankful fall brings Thanksgiving. I’m not thankful for the other fall holiday. Yeah, I’m bah humbug about halloween. But I do enjoy the season. It’s just second best in my book:)

4 Responses to “{fall} inspiration workshop”

  1. kinze October 6, 2011 at 6:49 pm #

    that last picture is just beautiful … when i grew up out in the country … i took all of God’s beauty for granted … so thanks for posting that! and you know what i HATE halloween as well … i was actually thinking about not letting my kids be a part of it this year … it’s just the devil’s holiday and why glorify him?! i met a woemn that let her kids stay home from school the day they celebrate and did something fun with them instead … thought that was pretty cool … well i am pretty much writing a post here so i better end it … have a good day and enjoy those cute lil’ white pumpkins (btw i would LOVE to have one) and enjoy your candle and alone time!

  2. Sarah October 6, 2011 at 7:30 pm #

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I was sad to see summer go too. We didn’t have much of one it seemed because the first half we were living in North Dakota where summer takes forever to start, and the second half in Washington where the summer is over quickly. Lol. Oh well, fall is a lovely time of year and I think it’s wise to just make the best of it! :)

  3. Kelly October 7, 2011 at 4:12 pm #

    i wish that was my view. i love fall!

  4. virginiamae October 7, 2011 at 11:11 pm #

    I’m a Thanksgiving girl myself too 😉

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