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Spoon River Drive 2011

03 October
We had lot of fun this last weekend! Moreygirl was all set up in “the Shed”. Everything looked great!
Charity came over from Iowa and sat with me! She’s been busy making the most awesome baby slippers and ruffle booties you have ever seen! 
I mean, just look at them!
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I sorta wish I were having another baby, just so I could have them.
Did I mention that they are knitted out of organic yarn and packaged up, ready to give?!
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These are going in the shop asap! I just got to take some pics of them and load them in there.
moreygirl also had some repeat customers!  Check out this bag from last year!
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And as it’s been for the last three years…another “moreygirl” has come to visit me! She’s the sweetest lady and her last name is Morey:) She visits the drive every year and brings her grown up granddaughters. One of them just had the sweetest little baby girl. It’s so nice to visit with them every year!
Here’s part of my booth:
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My little antique baby bassinet with cart…that I love! It holds the baby blankets and a couple of pillows. I also have my ruffle scarves again, but they are almost gone! Don’t mind the wildlife photos…they are the next booth over. Don’t ask;)

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There is still some great stuff! So come out and see us next weekend! We are at the Shed on Rt 116 both Saturday and Sunday 8am – 5pm!

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