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chocolate cake

16 September
Word of advice…
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT bake a chocolate cake and think that you can keep from eating it all…yourself.
The boys have helped, but um, yeah. I’ve ate most of it.

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It’s the Best Chocolate Cake Ever recipe from the Pioneer Woman. 
Only it’s not. Really…It’s my mom’s recipe for Texas Cake. But it’s just like the pioneer woman’s recipe only we use sour cream instead of the buttermilk.

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I am also adding a couple bags and accessories to the shop this weekend.

I’m also working on a really cool quilt for a cool kid:)

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My boys aren’t quite as excited about this one though. I’ve already got requests for a John Deere quilt:)

Hope you have a great weekend!

One Response to “chocolate cake”

  1. mickev September 16, 2011 at 6:30 pm #

    Can I come over and eat some cake? Looks YUMMY!

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