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10 years and a choice

08 September
Ten years! Can you believe it? Matt and I made it. Today is our 10 year anniversary. 
wedding pic
I am here to tell you that it was not always easy. We fought. a. lot. The first 3-4 years of our marriage were the hardest of my life. Hands down. We are two of the most stubborn people you will ever meet and that did not jive so well those first few years.

Here’s a copy of our vows. Even then I knew I didn’t want to recite the same old vows everyone else does. Pastor Mike had these from a previous wedding he had done. I knew then that I couldn’t have written anything more eloquent than this.


Can you read it? Here’s what it says: 
When I become your wife today, I enter into a new phase of life and I do so with joy and with anticipation of the life we will share together.
Making God our first priority, I commit to building a life with you where we acknowledge God’s presence everyday, helping you grow in your Christian walk as you help me with mine.
I know that love is a choice that is made and not just an emotion, so I will make the decision to love you every day.
May we share in the changes of life with flexibility, faithfulness and respect for each other.
I promise today to share with you all that I am and all that I will become until we are parted by death.

We actually read those words ten years ago. I cried when I read mine. They give me goosebumps today.

I know a lot of people think that if you love someone it should be easy.  I wish I could give you an actual formula to make it easier. But the truth is: it’s not easy.
Nothing that you really care about is…ever.
Having kids = work. Raising kids = work. Successful business = work. Skinny body = work.
See where I’m going with this?

Now, things are easier. We still have our issues, we still fight, but it is easier. Maybe we’ve gone soft in our old age. Maybe we’ve realized that love will choose to take the back seat for someone else, if it means they’ll be happy. 

It won’t work without work.  I have to remind myself of this a lot of times. Matt can drive me insane but I choose him. He truly is the man that I want to be with. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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