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yes and no

09 August

I found this cute blog the other day that gives you different writing challenges. This one looked like fun so I thought I’d try it.

Here we go:

5 things I have a hard time saying yes to:

1. olives…sometimes a few black ones on my pizza are ok.
2. being patient…especially when I’m ready for things to move on.
3. getting up early…but I do it anyway but only on weekdays.
4. cooking…but I have to do that.
5. nursery duty at church…I was in that nursery so much when my kids were babies I never want to go back in that room.

5 things I have a hard time saying no to:

1. Bo and Slone.
2. candy bars…Reese’s and twix
3. fresh home grown tomatoes…I have eaten one or two with every meal since they’ve been ripe.
4. internet…nuff said
5. going swimming. Matt said one time that we could get a pool…except nothing would get done at our house! He’s right, I would be out there all.the.time.

Source: via Julia on Pinterest

I think I’ll do a little sewing and laundry today:) Have a good Tuesday!

3 Responses to “yes and no”

  1. Heather from August 9, 2011 at 2:19 pm #

    heather i love this…I’m not big on olives either..and I can rarely say no to a Reese’s.. or any candy bar for that matter. :)

  2. mickev August 9, 2011 at 5:16 pm #

    Love it, can I copy it on my blog? I mean the idea…not your exact post! Love the scripture, too. I have to say that to myself SEVERAL times a week! <3

  3. kinze August 9, 2011 at 8:20 pm #

    k … loved it … and i didn’t know that you liked reese’s so you need to check out my latest post … and try nutella … it’s just like reese’s so yummy you’ll love it!

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