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learning to ride

18 April

Well, it has happened. My baby is no longer my little baby. He’s a bike riding crashing machine. He’s actually doing really well for only being four. Matt thinks in a couple more practices, he won’t need us anymore. {sob}

This is a compilation of part of what Bo did yesterday. These literally happened just like this, in this order but I just didn’t tape the bringing the bike back up to Daddy every time. These videos make me laugh. This is truly Bo in a nut shell.

Matt is a great bike riding teacher. He has so much patience. If I try to help, I become an exasperated, sweating psycho. You can hear me fighting it back in the video: “pedal…pedal” sheesh, calm down.

I wish I could have videoed Matt at the same time though. He’s really proud of those boys and it’s really obvious.

Hope you had a great weekend too!

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