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painting and decluttering

14 April

I’ve been busy this week trying to get some things done. About a month ago, I “liked” Valspar on facebook. They will send you a free sample of paint. Color of your choice! And they send you a little tray with a little roller! I am pretty sure you can still do it today. But I had to like and unlike them for about 3 days before I got it because they kept saying they had reached their free quota of the day.

I decided this was looking a little too country:)

before buffet
I really need to do something with the tv cords there on the right. Anybody got any ideas?

This buffet came from my mom. This thing has been around almost as long as I have. I remember going to Atlanta with Mom and Lyn to pick a bunch of furniture up from Laura. We took my grandpa’s truck. It had a topper on it and a uhaul behind it. Charity and I bounced around in the bed of a pickup all the way to Atlanta. Mind you, this was probably 24 years ago but Atlanta is about 750 miles from home. Fun times 😛  You’d be arrested for no car seats now.

after buffet

I used the turquoise from Valspar on the base of it. I sanded everything down first. Then I used some black stain on the drawer fronts and the top of it. I brushed it on, then wiped it off with a rag til I got the look I wanted. If I had wanted to make this a huge project, I probably would have jigsawed the curvyness off the bottom. But I didn’t want to drag it outside.

I found the knobs at Hobby Lobby. They have tons of them. I loved these!


But they didn’t have enough for all the drawers, so I picked up the lime green ones. I’m pretty sure that green is my all time favorite color. When in doubt, I usually go back to green.

I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. Now I need to tackle this:

before -


3 Responses to “painting and decluttering”

  1. mickev April 14, 2011 at 4:58 pm #

    Great work! That cabinet would take 15 minutes tops to organize…its just keeping it organized that I struggle with!!!
    Oh, and drill a little hole in your carpet, on either side of that little wall, run the cords down to the basement up through the floor on the other side. Or drill a whole at the base board all the way by the big wall. (I don’t know if that makes sense.)

  2. kinze April 14, 2011 at 7:01 pm #

    k … for the cords i had the same thought as michelle … and our minds are thinking alike these days … first off you took the knobs i wanted at hobby lobby for the girls room … i just painted my white dresser thingy that was in my entry way almost the same exact color you painted yours and put it in the girls room … so since you were the one who took my knobs i was thinking i might go with the crystal knobs but now i need to wait til they go on sale again:) happy oraganizing … and hey if your windows areen’t open … open them … i helps with staying motivated!

  3. Cathy April 15, 2011 at 12:04 pm #

    If you can’t put any hole in then you could make a sleeve of whatever color of fabric you want and put the cords through that, good luck!

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