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the Sparks family

02 November

I want to introduce to you the Sparks family! I had such a fun time with these little boys! And Alicia is one of my very dearest friends! She has been such a support and encouragement to me. Here she is with her sweet family.


{Side note: This summer we did a Bible study together on Lysa TerKeurst‘s book Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl. You should really check her out. You can also follow her on Facebook.}

Alicia’s boys are so cute. They both have great personalities too.


Thanks, Alicia!

One Response to “the Sparks family”

  1. mickev November 4, 2010 at 2:39 am #

    Love it. You did a great job. The boys are adorable, and that family pic is great. Alicia is GORGEOUS!

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