Christmas Planner Tutorial
Ok, I’ve got another tutorial for you! Actually, this is just a redo of a tutorial that I saw here: I was actually really excited about this when I saw it. I’ve been becoming a list maker. If you knew me at all in school, you should be very surprised! But lists actually help get all my work done everyday….well, not all my work gets done everyday. But it’s nice to know when you are almost done with it!
So here’s what you need: a notebook (I scored a bunch of these at Walmart during back to school time for a quarter apiece.), some cute Christmas scrapbooking paper, ribbon, 2 5×7 manilla envelopes, and any scrapbooking supplies you want. I highly recommend the glue dots. It saves a lot of wait time for the glue drying. And some of the papers might bubble up if you use liquid glue.
First, you will need to glue down a yard long ribbon around your notebook. (sorry, no pic) The glue dots work fine for this too!
Then cut out your papers and glue dot them on.
Your design can be anything you want on the front. Be creative! Here’s my mom working on her book.
We also used the lid from the ribbon jar for a template for the circles:)
This is how my table looked during the whole process. Sometimes you can’t function if you can’t see everything you have;)
You also need some 5×7 manilla envelopes. Glue dot them to the inside of your notebook. One to hold coupons, the other to hold receipts.
Then you are ready to add some tabs to your planner. I just used the scraps of my paper to fold little tabs and my stapler to attach them to my pages. There is a list tab, calendar tab, menu tab, and cards tab. I have everyone listed that I need to get gifts for. As I get the gifts, I write down what I get them and check their name off.
The calendar is some printed off pages from I just glue dotted them too. This way I can keep track of all the parties and shopping days!
The menu tab is a place to keep any Christmas recipes that I find and want to take with me to the next party. You could also make a shopping list here too.
The cards tab is a place to list everyone you are sending cards too this year.
And there you have it! A Christmas Planner for your holidays!
Want to make one? You know it! We’re going to make these at MOPS on Monday, November 8!
Here’s our blog for MOPS:
Check it out! Hope you can come!
You are amazing!