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the wonky house

22 October

wonky house block

This is October’s block for Heather in our online quilting bee. I had the hardest time putting this together. You know one of those days that you should just walk away and try again tomorrow? That was this block.

I had never made a wonky house block before and I had no pattern….because it’s wonky. It was harder than I anticipated.

in the dog house

I had to add in the doghouse. And since the moon is out in it, he had to be asleep:)


the millionth seam rip out

I told you. I ripped out seams and ripped out seams. It took me all afternoon. But I really do like the way it turned out. Hope that Heather does too:)

wonky house block

3 Responses to “the wonky house”

  1. Janice October 22, 2010 at 2:16 am #

    I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR that I am not the only one who made and ripped, and made and ripped! I went through a beach scene, then a house with some sad, sad trees before FINALLY getting a house that I liked. It’s not as easy as it looks, but I LOVE what you made!

  2. Heather October 22, 2010 at 11:11 am #

    It is fabulous, and I love it! Sorry it was such a pain, but I really appreciate all the effort that went into it. It’s perfect.

  3. Heather October 22, 2010 at 11:11 am #

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