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just me and the boys

18 October

After we got home from church on Sunday, I bribed Matt to take some family pictures with us! I still couldn’t get him to smile. You would never know it, but he’s got a great smile, great teeth. But whatever, I could complain about that all day.

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These are the only two I got. I had about 5 more, but imagine my distress when none of them were in focus! It’s hard getting everyone to sit there, get the settings right, set the timer, get in my place, and have everyone smiling.

We actually had a great weekend. Slone had a birthday party to go to at a gymnastics place. He had a great time. I did too since Jill, another mom, was there. We got to know each other a little better.

So I was thinking, what could get some moreygirl photography interest up?  Last year everyone raved about my Christmas card, so I thought I’d share some cards that I love this year! Here’s the scoop on what I’m doing this season. 


That’s right, get 25 free Christmas cards, if you schedule by November 10 (you don’t have to have your session by November 10, just schedule it by then). The cards are available for purchase if you want to use your own pics, but you can only get the free ones by having a session with me.

Click the pic to go to the Holiday Card Shoppe!

If you have any questions just let me know!

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