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My story – 2-3years

15 October

Well, there’s not a whole lot that I remember about being 2 or 3. My baby sister, Charity showed up about 2 months before my second birthday.


I apparently thought she was pretty great….still do.

This is my grandpa. Mom says this was his birthday party. He passed away when I was 12. I remember him fixing us frozen mini pizza from the Schawans man. They are still a favorite of mine. He also had a little electronic poker game that we would play at his house. And he had cable and would record all the cool cartoons and shows off of USA. He’s the reason that I have ever watched Three’s Company and The Monkees.


Here’s my family on Christmas 1983. Still love my mom’s outfit.


And here’s a pic that reminds me of my own kids’ eyes:)


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4 Responses to “My story – 2-3years”

  1. MrsH October 15, 2010 at 2:29 am #

    Your mom does have a pretty great outfit on. I also especially like the collar on your dress :)

  2. Kinze October 15, 2010 at 10:31 pm #

    OH MY GOODNESS … do you look like Bo at that age or what?!?! … WOW i didn’t realize how similar you two looked! So cute!

  3. Amy@ MomsToolbox October 18, 2010 at 2:31 am #

    So sweet! I remember watching Threes Company at my grandparents’ house, too. :)

  4. Janna October 19, 2010 at 5:10 am #

    Wow! Someone really knew photography in your family. None of our snapshots are that clear and nice.

    Your mom looks awesome in that outfit! Great memories!

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