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yee haw

23 August

We went to the rodeo on Saturday. The boys were extremely excited! That is, until about the last round of bull riding. I don’t know what they were complaining about, they each sat on our laps to see and those bleachers were hard!

bull rider

The favorite of the night was the bulls though. Even though we had this kind of entertainment…

stunt girl

matt saw something interesting

Matt was probably just making sure she got off the horse ok? 😉

me n bo

Bo sucked his fingers the entire time.

I liked the calf roping.

calf roping

and some bareback riding.


Point and shoot cameras stink at night time. I can’t take a picture with them at dark.

We did have a great time. The boys wanted to get ice cream afterward, but I don’t think they even made it out of town before they were asleep!

What did you do this weekend?

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