Eighth Grade
Well, eighth grade runs into seventh grade and ninth grade for me. We didn’t graduate from eighth grade like most junior highers. I was in volleyball again. I was the captain of the jv team and got to play on the varsity team too. It made a lot of girls mad. I didn’t care though, I loved volleyball that much.
I cheered that year too. I was the captain of the jv cheer squad too. But later on in the year the school secretary told me that the coach wanted me on varsity but didn’t want the other girl that was in my class to be on the varsity squad. So they decided to hold me back. I’m pretty sure that’s when I quit liking cheerleading….and that girl.
During the summers, I was involved with Faith Bible Camp. It is definitely one of my favorite places to be. I hung out with Cathy and Janel for those few summers in junior high. We had a blast, swimming, singing, Bible memory, and of course there were always boys there to be around. I loved a boy named Ben. We were both so shy though that I don’t think we even talked to each other that year. Sometimes, I wish I wasn’t shy…but think of all the trouble I would’ve been in!
After we moved back home, Mom and Dad had Gramma and Grampa over every Sunday after church for dinner. We didn’t have the kitchen done in our new house yet, so Dad grilled a lot. Gramma Morey started to develope Ahlzheimers somewhere in that time. It wasn’t really bad for quite a while but that was around the time that I realized that she wasn’t always spot on. My older sister Lyn and her husband Mike would join us too. That’s exactly what I love about my family, is that we always ate together. We had a lot of great times around that table that my dad built.
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