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Snow is not new news

14 January

I know that it’s been here for awhile now, but I just loaded these pics on my computer.

We played out in the snow one day. You can’t even see Bo’s feet in this one.

Then we made snow angels. While we were doing this, Bo went in the house. He hates being cold. That’s mine on the left, Slone’s on the right.

One last quick shot of Slone. So cute:)

2 Responses to “Snow is not new news”

  1. Kinze January 14, 2010 at 6:15 pm #

    hahaha oh my goodness I just want to squeeze Slone in that last pic … I love it!

  2. Maggie Whitley {Gussy} January 14, 2010 at 11:58 pm #

    I ♥ white, clean, fluffy snow :)

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