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25 things about me:) part 1

03 February
This is stolen from Facebook. But I hate that website. It kinda gives me the creeps:) But I’m still addicted. I’m going to do this in little installments though. Hey it’s late and I’ve got to go watch Heroes and Chuck (I’ll explain in the list:)
Oh and I hate post without pics so here’s one of me and Slone at Christmas this year. 

1. I talk to my mother at least once a day. Sometimes 3 or 4 times. My sisters all come in at a close second. If one of them doesn’t answer, I go down the line until one of them does answer. 

2. I think that my husband is the best looking guy in the room…any room. I always have. The first time I saw him I about died. Had to meet him. Yup, pretty sure I loved him right then. 
3. My children, I love them.  It makes me feel like SuperMom when Slone volunteers an I love you. Or when someone tells me how wonderful and polite my children are. (That is until my 4 year old calls his uncle a “psycho”.)
4. I use the word “psycho” way to much.
5. I hate doing the dishes. More. than. anything.
to be continued…

3 Responses to “25 things about me:) part 1”

  1. I am Harriet February 3, 2009 at 3:27 pm #

    Yeah. I know what you mean about Facebook.

  2. Luanne February 5, 2009 at 6:02 am #

    Your comment about Facebook being creepy totally cracked me up!

  3. mickev February 5, 2009 at 3:11 pm #

    Ok, well I love Facebook. WE don’t agree there. But #1, I am sooo with you.
    Sorry, but MY husband is the best looking guy in the room… :)
    And #3 is ok, because his uncle is a psycho! haha! :)

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