Birthday parties…
in the summertime are the best! This was cousin Jack’s party last Sunday. Slone could not wait to see him! Since Jack lives in central Iowa, where all the flooding was, we had to wait an extra week to go see him. That was a long week for Slone, and especially for me!
We got him the slip n slide. The kids had a blast! You never really know how Slone is going to react to stuff like this. I thought that he’d love the fireworks at the baseball game that he and his dad went to, but to this day, he says that he doesn’t want fireworks for the fourth of July:)
There he goes! He had the best time! All the kids played pretty well together. Slone was great at taking turns too. He’s really growing up.
You also get great favors at summertime parties:)
Bo just wanted balloons. But hey, since they kept him this happy all day, why not!?!
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